Maccabi Victoria has established the All Abilities program for the promotion and advancement of the rights, welfare and social inclusion of Jewish people with disabilities engaged in sport and recreational activities and to foster their physical health and wellbeing.
Project Description
MISSION: The Mission of the All Abilities Program is ‘To provide increased access and participation opportunities for Jewish people of all abilities in Maccabi Victoria.
VISION: The Program’s Vision is ‘More members of All Abilities participating in Maccabi Victoria more often.’
The Program has developed three strategic priorities:
Strategic Priority One: Participation Growth. This focuses on building the data base and hence the involvement of potential and actual participants, and offering a wider range of activities and involvement to meet the broadest possible needs of the target population.
Strategic Priority Two: Governance and Capacity. This objective aims to build the capacity especially of the 23 Maccabi clubs to integrate people of All Abilities into their activities, ensuring that they have strong policies and processes for such integration and participation.
Strategic Priority Three: Culture and Sustainability. We are seeking to change the entire approach of Maccabi clubs and the broader community in the way that they view the All Abilities group. Our focus is based on a human rights approach. We are taking a long term view regarding the sustainability of the Program through broad community support in as many areas as possible.
Commencement and completion
Ongoing Number of end-users/participants who benefit:
We are aiming at building to over 100 All Abilities members by the end of 2016. The number of people involved however as volunteers and support people in the various clubs and other activities will number several hundred.
To increase the participation and overall health and wellbeing of as many of the All Abilities target group as possible, in a variety of playing and non playing roles (e.g. as assistants to the coaches, as volunteers).
To strengthen the capacity of the 23 Maccabi Victoria clubs to appropriately work with the AA target group and develop sensitive ways of ensuring their involvement in various roles at the clubs. -
To work in closely with partner organisations (both Jewish and mainstream) to ensure that widest possible range of resources for activities to increase participant and involvement.
How does this project strengthen the Australian Jewish Community?
The Jewish community will considerably benefit by enhancing the appropriate inclusion and involvement of people with All Abilities, which should be a fundamental and automatic right. Quite simply, we believe this to be a core right for this group, not a privilege. The community learns about tolerance and inclusion, which overall is a core characteristic of a healthy community. Community members who are involved with All Abilities members always talk about how much they have benefited and learned.
Contact Information:
Russell Jaffe
Organisation: Maccabi Victoria
Scope of Activity: Melbourne
Target Groups: Women, Men, Adolescents, Young Adults, Singles, Disability, Religious
Total Funding Required:
Current Funding:
$150,000 (Department of Sport & Recreation; Private Donors)
Funding Needed:
Tax Deductibility(DGR):
There are significant partners involved in this Project:
Jewish Care.
Access Inc.
Friendship Circle.
Jewish Social Inclusion Leadership Committee (SILC).
Victorian Department of Sport and Recreation.
23 Maccabi Victoria clubs.
Australian Jewish News.
The Jewish Report.
Camp Sababa.